Für folgende Hersteller gibt es eine offizielle Cyanogen Mod (http://www.cyanogenmod.org/) Unterstützung.
Aufgelistet sind die Hersteller und die Anzahl der unterstützten Geräte.
Acer: 1
Advent: 1
Amazon: 5
Asus: 5
Barnes & Noble: 4
Commtiva: 1
Geeksphone: 2
Google: 14
HTC: 42
Hardkernel: 1
Hewlett Packard: 1
Huawei: 3
LG: 32
Motorola: 31
OnePlus: 1
Oppo: 3
Samsung: 66
Sony: 21
Sony Ericsson: 15
Viewsonic: 1
Xiaomi: 1
ZTE: 3
Montag, 8. September 2014
Android Smartphone und Tablet mit Cyanogen Mod Unterstützung
Freitag, 11. Juli 2014
Smartphone Verkaufspreis oder Marktwert ermitteln
Auf folgenden zwei Seiten kann der ungefähre Verkaufspreis bzw. Marktwert eines Smartphones ermittelt werden.
Auf eBay lassen sich in der Regel die höheren Preise erzielen, da dort keine Aufbereitung der Ware erfolgt.
- wirkaufens.de
- www.ebay.de/own/einfach-verkaufen/de/index.html
Auf eBay lassen sich in der Regel die höheren Preise erzielen, da dort keine Aufbereitung der Ware erfolgt.
- wirkaufens.de
- www.ebay.de/own/einfach-verkaufen/de/index.html
Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2013
Smartphone Ãœberwachung mit Spionage Software
Bei Apple Geräten muss ein Jailbreak durchgeführt werden und Android Geräte muss man rooten.
Produktbeschreibung von der Webseite:
"FlexiSPY OMNI is professional grade spy phone software that secretly captures all cell phone communications and lets you view or listen to all of this from anywhere in the world. In other words, it lets you become a fly on the wall knowing their every move.
FlexiSPY OMNI is installed on the target device in minutes - it then discretely captures data such as SMS, Emails, WhatsApp Messages (on iPhone and Android phones), BlackBerry Messages (on BlackBerry devices), Call Logs and GPS locations. Once captured, the communication data is then sent to your private web account where all is revealed and GPS locations are even displayed on a map so you can track their location and movements. You also have the option to have a copy of the information forwarded to your email inbox for your convenience.
With FlexiSPY OMNI you can also intercept actual phone calls (so you can listen in on a live conversation) and remotely activate the target cell phone's microphone so you can listen to the phone's environment - just like a bugging device.
We offer two models of spyphone software - FlexiSPY OMNI is our flagship product and has every spy feature that we've ever invented, all packaged into one easy to use, powerful package. It is the most powerful spy phone app ever created - don't take our word for it - simply check out the feature list below.
If getting the maximum amount of information is your priority, then FlexiSPY is the product you should choose.
FlexiSPY created the spy phone market in 2005, and has led the technology ever since. We've helped thousands of people just like you to get their lives back on track. We design, develop and support our own products so talk to us by Phone, Live Chat or Email and remember - we offer a 10 day money back guarantee."
Bei Apple Geräten muss ein Jailbreak durchgeführt werden und Android Geräte muss man rooten.
Produktbeschreibung von der Webseite:
"FlexiSPY OMNI is professional grade spy phone software that secretly captures all cell phone communications and lets you view or listen to all of this from anywhere in the world. In other words, it lets you become a fly on the wall knowing their every move.
FlexiSPY OMNI is installed on the target device in minutes - it then discretely captures data such as SMS, Emails, WhatsApp Messages (on iPhone and Android phones), BlackBerry Messages (on BlackBerry devices), Call Logs and GPS locations. Once captured, the communication data is then sent to your private web account where all is revealed and GPS locations are even displayed on a map so you can track their location and movements. You also have the option to have a copy of the information forwarded to your email inbox for your convenience.
With FlexiSPY OMNI you can also intercept actual phone calls (so you can listen in on a live conversation) and remotely activate the target cell phone's microphone so you can listen to the phone's environment - just like a bugging device.
We offer two models of spyphone software - FlexiSPY OMNI is our flagship product and has every spy feature that we've ever invented, all packaged into one easy to use, powerful package. It is the most powerful spy phone app ever created - don't take our word for it - simply check out the feature list below.
If getting the maximum amount of information is your priority, then FlexiSPY is the product you should choose.
FlexiSPY created the spy phone market in 2005, and has led the technology ever since. We've helped thousands of people just like you to get their lives back on track. We design, develop and support our own products so talk to us by Phone, Live Chat or Email and remember - we offer a 10 day money back guarantee."
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